One of the most meaningful learning experiences of my life occured over two weeks I spent in Kenya
working with an organization called Leaders Today. This amazing leadership volunteer experience included leadership training,
working with rural schools to promote community development and cultural education through the exploration of local villages
and the study of Swahili.
I was able to meet so many amazing social and environmental activists as well as local teachers and tribal leaders.
These individuals are using their lives to become part of the global solution to problems affecting the environment and other
issues like poverty and illiteracy.
I learned skills like public speaking, time management, interpersonal communication skills, negotiation tactics, the
seven steps to social involvement, fundraising and holistic approaches to solving global problems.
The volunteer experience taught me perseverance, courage and humility. I was truly
moved by the experience and most importantly it was there that I was inspired to dedicate my life to improving the lives of
children in developing countries. I decided I wanted to be a teacher in hopes that I might be able to give children the tools
to break down cycles of poverty that are stifling their potential. By empowerment through education, they would have the chance
to build a better future for themselves and their children. I am eternally thankful to have had this experience and I will
never forget the beauty of Kenya and the
profound sincerity and hospitality of the people there.